PHASE 1: Foundation, know your self (better)
Summer EU: May 22-June 12, 2024
Summer USA: June 10 - July 1, 2024
Autumn EU: September 9 - September 30 2024

CPCP Program
Become a Certified Professional Coach
Elite Coaching Center is accredited by ICF (International Coach Federation)


"Every leader is different. Every bench is different. Every business is different. So while the complexities change, the work of coaching stays the same: keep your clients at the center of the work, push them to use their strengths more and to temper their weaknesses, and illuminate blind spots because these are what really get in the way.”

Stacy Feiner, Talent Mindset

Coaching Services


You are at a critical time of your life where choices mean a lot. And coaching is all about choices, but here is the trick, conscious choices. You have many talents and passions


You might have recently finished your studies and maybe landed your first job only to find out that the field of specialisation you chose is not fulfilling your expectations.


You might be a freelance entrepreneur or one providing employment to several but in any case you are committed with your contribution to society and your legacy to the world.


Either at your home country or as an expat, you develop your career within a company or organisation. A range of desires for improvement can be familiar to you and we can help throwing clarity.


Young professional to support them in finding more peace and prepare them for being mom by coaching them on their personality to prevent past negative patterns to their future child’s life.


Non-verbal- Quickly and accurately measure your emotions through a simple choice of colors. Offer you a picture of the inner mood and unconscious emotions that determine your behaviour.